When I was a lad!

When I was a lad!
A rotary phone, a sign of simpler times
A sign of simpler times, an Rotary Analogue phone

Has work life improved, or are we hoodwinked into believing that is the case? I think that we are all being played by the mainstream media, and things are actually getting worse. Our work-life inequality is rising again. Soon we will be working more hours than there is in a day. Is our work-life deproving rather than improving our lives?

When I was little, My Dad worked 8-4 five days a week, it paid the mortgage, my Mum worked for her mother because she enjoyed it. My Dad did a couple of other jobs for holiday money and the likes.

Above in the picture is an old rotary analogue telephone, a sign of simpler times. You answered the phone on the rare occasion that it rang, very few people had them, and you would never get your boss calling you at 7am on a Saturday or 10pm on a Sunday. Now everyone has a mobile phone, everyone has email, you are at the beck and call of your masters 24/7. Some countries are actively outlawing out of hours calls from bosses. But what about businesses phoning you to sell you services you don’t want. An example of this is I am sure quite familiar to everyone. You are sat down on your sofa, just 5 minutes into a film, and the phone rings. You answer it, the person on the other end won’t take the hint you are not interested and insists on talking over the top of you for a good ten minutes. It is infuriating, but what do you do? Personally, hang up and block the number. But most people don’t do that.

Today however we live in a world of “Competitive salaries” what that means exactly is open to interpretation, my interpretation is this!

Your bills compete with your salary, and your salary loses. You then take a second and a third job, your partner does the same. So where is the money going? Taxes, greed, and debt.

This is when we must realize that we are not as free as our parent’s generation where, I left home at eighteen, but if you look at current research that over fifty percent of all working-age adults under forty are now living at home still with their parents. Why because of Greed. Rents and mortgages are unaffordable. I put it to you that we are not walking into a dystopian nightmare, but we are already there. Many however still are not aware of what is going on in any way. They think that working every hour available will make them wealthier. To those people, I really wish they would read business management books, more hours = less productivity.

There are enough unemployed to fill jobs, but those jobs must by their very nature take care of our mortgages, rents, bills, and living costs! Some countries are already looking at Universal Basic Incomes, and I think that is the way to go. However, the elite argues that this will just make more lazy people. In fact, it will do the opposite. A bad employer will find it harder to find employees because they will choose to leave. When there is no need to stay with an abusive employer.

We need to go from Monetary wealth to health wealth. There is too much Toxicity in this world, too many in-equalities caused by one thing and one thing alone, it’s not money, it is OLD MONEY! the wealth that transcends generations, and it is not a physical thing, it’s also to do with Old School connections, it is who you know not what you own.

If we ever want to enjoy life again we need to be appreciated for what we are and what we do! Employers need to accept the fact without employees they would have nothing. We benefit them!

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Marcus, has been involved in Internet applications since the dawn of time, he has a massive interest in Scifi and fantasy novels, cooking, Amateur Radio and the Weather as well as many other subjects. Marcus has a Doctorate in Musicology, and is a lifetime scholar. If Marcus doesn't know the answer he will definitely find it!