Learn something new Each Day

For those that don’t know me, there is nothing that I love more than a good bit of learning, be it achademic or self-learning there is always so much you can do to self-improve. For me at the moment I am learning Spanish! thanks to the Opera plugin Toucan (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/toucan-language-learning), this plugin allows you to learn many languages whilst browsing the Internet.

An example of what the Toucan plugin does to each page

As you can see from the above image, Toucan hot-swaps English words out for Spanish words, but how does that help, simply put your mouse over the word and it gives you a translation and the option to listen to the word. This may sound like an odd way to work, but it gives you the choice of a much larger vocabulary right out of the box. If you want to learn the basics, you could try simple stories aimed at children?

Mousing over!

So whilst not a language course like DuoLingo, I feel that for what it does Toucan deserves 10/10 what are your thoughts please feel free to comment below

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Marcus, has been involved in Internet applications since the dawn of time, he has a massive interest in Scifi and fantasy novels, cooking, Amateur Radio and the Weather as well as many other subjects. Marcus has a Doctorate in Musicology, and is a lifetime scholar. If Marcus doesn't know the answer he will definitely find it!