Most think bank cards are a bad invention but in this case they can literally save a life
Not a day goes by without hearing of death from a stabbing, but what can you do to prolong someone’s life if you see them get stabbed?
Chest wounds cause real problems but I bet you carry something that can save the life of the victim. A simple bank card. By placing a bank card over the wound, the blood will create a seal stopping more serious damage whilst emergency personnel arrive. If there is an exit wound as well you will need two cards. Don’t worry about cleaning the wound, the hospital will do that it is more important that you get it covered. Non-chest injuries are less threatening, so remember if it’s something else, lie the person down, elevate the wound, and apply something to stop the bleeding.
No matter what You hopefully have just saved a person’s life.
Marcus, has been involved in Internet applications since the dawn of time, he has a massive interest in Scifi and fantasy novels, cooking, Amateur Radio and the Weather as well as many other subjects. Marcus has a Doctorate in Musicology, and is a lifetime scholar. If Marcus doesn't know the answer he will definitely find it!