So life being what it is, I was getting irritable and I stopped and thought, what should I do about this? Now until this year I have not been a holiday fan, there is nothing that drives me sparer than the idea of sitting by a pool!
I had a think about what could be interesting to do that I hadn’t done already. So I telephoned a friend, explaining I needed a couple of days away from tech, and he agreed. In the time away from all but my obligatory call to my partner, I took a Harris Hawk hunting, I rode a Cow, who with great grace and dignity went on to dump me straight into a water trough. I suspect I saw the laughter in those eyes too. I also convinced a local boat owner to let me go and lay lobster pots with them.
A few new skills were learned, and my head is now back in the game again.
Marcus, has been involved in Internet applications since the dawn of time, he has a massive interest in Scifi and fantasy novels, cooking, Amateur Radio and the Weather as well as many other subjects. Marcus has a Doctorate in Musicology, and is a lifetime scholar. If Marcus doesn't know the answer he will definitely find it!