So next week (Fri 21st July, 2023)
I have my 2nd interview with the US Embassy, the first time, I felt I wasn’t asked enough the person who interviewed me seemed to have already made up his mind. This time I am prepared for that eventuality. It’s not easy thinking, that there is a reason I would not wish to return home to Scotland, but it is simple. Family, Commitments, and the Scenery. Where else in the world can you literally drive past dozens of castles in dozens of miles? nowhere else.
Yes Scotland has some issues, but compared to other countries, I’d rather live here any day of the week. Think about it, Scottish Steak, Lorne Sausage, Haggis, Stone Circles from five thousand years ago. History, free museums. Why would anyone in their right mind want to leave that? Oh and did I mention that we have really fast Fibre Broadband too? no 25MBps limit here, and it is Fibre to the house 🙂
Finally, we may have some quirky and outdated laws, but nobody is going to shoot at us every day. Even if that were to happen we have the National Health Service to fall back on, and the Criminal Justice System to aid us in getting proper compensation without the worry of hospital bills and court fees.
Marcus, has been involved in Internet applications since the dawn of time, he has a massive interest in Scifi and fantasy novels, cooking, Amateur Radio and the Weather as well as many other subjects. Marcus has a Doctorate in Musicology, and is a lifetime scholar. If Marcus doesn't know the answer he will definitely find it!